Frequently Asked Questions During Job Interview - The Post-Pandemic Version: PART - 2

Here is part 2 of the most frequently asked questions during job interviews by recruiters in the post-pandemic era.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions During Job Interview – The Post-Pandemic Version: PART-1

In this version of the article, let us talk about some of the other frequently asked questions during job interviews and the tips to ace them.

  • How did you cope with stress during the COVID era?
  • How do you feel about returning to work in person?
  • What makes you stand apart from the rest after quarantine?

Read the entire article for the answers to the above questions.

How did you cope with stress during the Covid era?

This question translates to, “what do you do when things get low?” 

You can use the STAR method to craft the answer right!

The STAR method is a tool for answering tough behavioural interview questions.

Let us understand this method in detail:

  • Situation: Introduce a situation to set a scene and provide context.

Start the answer by designing a real story related to the pandemic situation.

  • Task: Describe the task. What needed to be done and why?

Continue by adding the skills that are relevant for the role like time management etc.

  • Action: Explain the action you took. 

Now, you can describe the actions taken to manage time by prioritising the tasks and how you followed a to-do list daily.

  • Result: Describe the result in terms of the beneficial outcome.

In the end, try to explain how having a game plan and a clear idea of what priorities are on any given day helped you to keep stress at bay.

How do you feel about returning to work in person?

This is a common interview question. The interviewers are trying to figure out whether you are open to going back to the office after working from home for so long. They are trying to check your flexibility towards working under environmental change.

You can answer by saying how you are open to going back to the office once things are fully safe and would love to hear about the company’s return-to-office plans. Showing excitement and positivity may help to secure the position.

Since everything is online and we are new to this, we have to learn how to make good impressions during interviews.

What makes you stand apart from the rest after quarantine?

This question is a double-edged sword. When the recruiter asks this question, you better have an amazing answer. You can say how this pandemic made you stronger, wiser, tech-savvy and so on. You can stress communication skills because most of the candidates in the interview fall prey to nervousness, anxiety and stress.You can try constructing an answer around these important keywords:

  • Critical Thinking.
  • Communication and emotional intelligence.
  • Creative and innovative.
  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Leadership and team player.

To prepare well for all these unique interview questions, know the best portals for interview preparation.

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