Frequently Asked Questions During Job Interview - The Post-Pandemic Version: PART - 1

The pandemic has affected the job market in more ways than one. So, job seekers need to adapt accordingly to have a go at their dream jobs. Most of us might still be trying to process the events of the last two years, but it is wise to make the most out of the situation.

Now let us talk about some of the below frequently asked questions during job interviews and the tips to ace them.

  • How did the pandemic affect your career goals?
  • How do you feel about working from home?
  • What have you learned during the pandemic?
  • How did you cope with stress during the COVID era?
  • How do you feel about returning to work in person?
  • What can make you stand apart from the rest after quarantine?

Let’s go through this one by one.

How did the pandemic affect your career goals?

These types of questions are always an icebreaker. The recruiter wants to know what are the expectations of your next position and are you the right fit! The hiring manager wants to know whether you are applying for the job just for money’s sake or are you passionate about this respective position? So please be mindful while answering this question.

Make sure that you stress more on how this role aligns with your environmental values. If the role that you want isn’t similar to your past experience, then try to connect the last job skills with the new role. This is a great opportunity to showcase your adaptability and passion for the role.

How do you feel about working from home?

If there is a chance that the company that you applied to wants you to work from home. Then, this is a definite interview question in the interview. Your recruiter will probably want to know that you have the discipline, time management and communication skills to manage being away from a physical workspace. Interviewers also want to see that you have put thought into the benefits and challenges of working remotely so they don’t end up hiring someone who isn’t prepared to stay on task at home. Now, some of the best practices to answer this question are given below.

  • Answer with enthusiasm regarding the job role.
  • Specify the tasks and projects you have worked in the past.
  • Share your strategy for working remotely.
  • Recognise hurdles and share solutions. 
  • Highlight your relevant skills.

Always remember to be confident while introducing yourself in the interview. Here are some tips to introduce yourself like a pro!

What have you learned during the pandemic?

The company strives to recruit candidates who are adaptable and ready to learn new skills. The recruiter wants to know whether you are creative and solution-oriented. In addition, they want to know that you can make the most out of a bad situation. You can answer this question in different ways. You can break your answer into three parts:

  • You can take the personal route and mention that you realized that you wanted to spend more time with your family. 
  • Share that you learned a new skill or spent time developing a new hobby.
  • In the end, try to add extracurricular activities, be sure to link them to learnings and outcomes.

Some of the other frequently asked questions in the post-pandemic era are as follows.

  • How did you cope with stress during the Covid era?
  • How do you feel about returning to work in person?
  • What can make you stand apart from the rest after quarantine?

To find the answers to the above questions, go to part 2 of this article.

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